File Structure
Here is the general file structure of the template:
File Structure
- node_modules
- public
- assets
- images
- All images regarding this templates
- images
- vendor
- favicon.ico
- assets
- src
- assets
- custom-scss
- _custom-scss.scss
- scss
- bootstrap
- forms
- helpers
- mixins
- tests
- utilites
- vendor
- custom
- widget
- _banner.scss
- _globle.scss
- _root.scss
- qloud-design-system
- components
- helper
- plugins
- variables
- _root.scss
- _variables-dark.scss
- _variables.scss
- custom.scss
- qloud.scss
- bootstrap
- vendor
- components
- partials
- footer
- footer.vue
- health-care-footer.vue
- qloud-app-footer.vue
- qloud-media-services-footer.vue
- qloud-security-footer.vue
- web-hosting-footer.vue
- header
- Header.vue
- HeaderSidebar.vue
- HorizontalNav.vue
- breadcrumb.vue
- footer
- widget
- All widgets vue files
- back-to-top.vue
- partials
- hooks
- useDatatable.js
- layouts
- BlankLayout.vue
- DefaultLayout.vue
- plugins
- sidebar.js
- router
- default-routes.js
- index.js
- views
- blog
- blog-grid
- blog grid vue files
- blog-sidebar
- blog sidebar vue files
- blog-single
- blog single vue files
- All blog files
- blog-grid
- home
- qloud-services
- qloud services vue files
- home page vue files
- qloud-services
- hosting
- All hosting vue files
- pages
- about-us
- contact-us
- service
- 404, clients, faq, our team, pricing plan vue files
- portfolio
- portfolio-grid
- service
- domain.vue
- IndexPage.vue
- blog
- custom-scss
- App.vue
- main.js
- .env
- .env.example
- .gitignore
- .htaccess
- index.html
- jsconfig.json
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- vite.config.js