Theme colors

Steps to be follow for theme colors with the template:

  • We use a subset of all colors to create a smaller color palette for generating color schemes, also available as Scss variables in scss/_variables.scss file.
  • More Customization will be done in variable file.

Here is the Change color of template in gulp+scss+hbs

​$theme-colors: (
    ​$primary:       #7093E5;
    ​$secondary:     #f68685;
    ​$success:       #219653;
    ​$info:          #08b1ba;
    ​$warning:       #f16a1b;
    ​$danger:        #eb5757;
    ​$light:         #dee2e6;
    ​$dark:          #212529;
    ​$gray:          #6c757d;
    ​$gray-dark:     #343a40;

Customizer colors

Steps to be follow for theme colors with the template:

  • We use a subset of all colors to create a smaller color palette for generating color schemes, also available as Scss variables in scss/customizer/_variables.scss file.

Here is the Change color of template in gulp+scss+hbs

​$theme-colors: (
    ​$primary:       #7093E5;
    ​$secondary:     #f68685;
    ​$success:       #219653;
    ​$info:          #08b1ba;
    ​$warning:       #f16a1b;
    ​$danger:        #eb5757;
    ​$light:         #dee2e6;
    ​$dark:          #212529;
    ​$gray:          #6c757d;