  • File and folder permissions
    • Create Database
    • Upload the Codes in below directory based on your server
      • In Linux

      • Path: var/www/html/

      • In cPanel:

      • Inside File manager -> Path: public_html/
    • For database settings, open the .env file with a text editor and set your database settings.
      • Note: .env is a hidden file, you can see it by opening directory to a text editor.
    • Link your storage folder to public Run in terminal or CMD: php artisan storage:link
    • Create Database
    1. Start command prompt window or terminal and change directory laravel
      cd laravel
    2. Install node_modules Run in terminal or CMD:
      npm install
    3. Install vendor Run in terminal or CMD:
      • composer install
    4. To build css and js for Run in terminal or CMD:
      npm run dev
      npm run build
      npm run watch 
    5. Copy .env.example to .env file
      cp  .env.example .env
    6. Generate Key for project in terminal or CMD:
      php  artisan key:artisan
    App Configuration
    APP_NAME=your app name
    APP_KEY=your key
    APP_URL=your app url
    1. Open and edit the /.env file and provide following details:
    2. Enter App name, App env, App debug and App url
      Run in terminal or CMD: php artisan key:generate generate App key
    Database Configuration
    1. Create the database on your server
    2. Open and edit the /.env file and provide your server details:
      APP_NAME=your app name
      APP_KEY=your key
      APP_URL=your app url
    3. Open and edit the /.env file and provide following details:
    4. Enter App name, App env, App debug and App url
      Run in terminal or CMD: php artisan key:generate generate App key
    Mail Configuration
    1. Open and edit the /.env file and provide following details:
      APP_NAME=your app name
      MAIL_DRIVER=your mail driver
      MAIL_HOST=your mail host
      MAIL_PORT=your mail port
      MAIL_USERNAME=your mail id
      MAIL_PASSWORD=your mail password
      MAIL_ENCRYPTION=your mail encryption
    2. Enter mail host name, mail port, mail username( Mail ID ), mail password and mail encryption type.