File Structure

Here is the general file structure of the template:

  • laravel
        • Console
        • DataTables
        • Exceptions
        • Helpers
        • Http
          • Controllers
            • Auth
              • Controller.php
              • DashboardController.php
              • FrontendController.php
            • Modules
              • Chatcontroller.php
            • Security
              • Permissioncontroller.php
              • Rolecontroller.php
              • Rolepermission.php
          • Middleware
          • Requests
        • Model
        • old_Models
        • Providers
        • View
      • bootstrap
      • config
      • database
      • Documentation
      • public
        • client-images
        • css
        • fonts
        • images
        • js
        • resources
        • scss
        • vendor
      • resources
        • css
        • js
        • sass
        • lang
        • views
          • auth
          • blog
          • components
          • dashboards
          • footer
          • globle
          • layouts
          • mailbox
          • market
          • module
          • old_user
          • pages
          • partials
          • permission- role
          • profile
          • role-permission
          • store
          • ui
          • user
      • route
      • storage
      • tests
    • .editorconfig
    • .env.example
    • .gitattributes
    • .gitignore
    • .styleci.yml
    • artisan
    • composer.json
    • package.json
    • phpunit.xml
    • server.php
    • webpack.mix.js