Zombie Island is a 1998 direct-to-video animated comedy horror film based on Hanna-Barbera's Scooby-Doo Saturday-morning cartoons. In the film, Shaggy, Scooby, Fred, Velma, and Daphne reunite after a year-long hiatus from Mystery, Inc. to investigate a bayou island said to be haunted by the ghost of the pirate Morgan Moonscar. The film was directed by Jim Stenstrum, from a screenplay by Glenn Leopold.
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Links | Quality | Language | Player | Date Added |
1080p | english | MusicBee | 2021-11-28 | |
800p | english | 5KPlayer | 2021-11-25 | |
720p | English | MediaMonkey | 2021-11-20 |
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