File Structure

Here is the general file structure of the template:

File Structure
  • Code-REACT
    • public
      • vendor
    • src
      • assets
        • client-image
          • All images regarding this templates
        • custom
          • all Custom .scss files of templates
        • images
          • All images regarding this templates
        • scss
          • bootstrap
            • forms
            • helper
            • mixins
            • utilites
            • vendor
          • custom
            • customizer
          • customizer
            • _root.scss
            • _variables.scss
          • socialv design system
            • components
            • helper
            • mode
            • plugins
            • variables
            • _root.scss
            • _variables.scss
            • _variables-dark.scss
          • custom.scss
          • customizer.scss
          • socialv.scss
        • vendor
          • Third Party Modules
      • components
        • custom
        • hook
        • partial
          • footer
            • All footer styles files
          • header
            • All header styles files
        • setting
      • layouts
      • router
      • store
      • utilities
      • Views
        • All .jsx files
      • App.js
      • index.js
      • setupTests.js
      • reportwebVitals.js
    • .gitignore
    • .htaccess
    • package.json