File Structure

Here is the general file structure of the template:

Template File Structure
  • Template
    • gulp+scss+hbs
      • src
        • assets
          • images
            • All images regarding this templates
            • favicon.ico
            • loader-dark.png
            • loader.png
            • logo-full.png
            • logo-full2.png
            • logo-white.png
            • logo.png
          • js
            • charts
              • admin.js
              • weather-chart.js
            • setting
              • setting-init.js
              • setting.js
              • utility.js
            • app.js
            • chat.js
            • countdown.js
            • ecommerce.js
            • enchanter.js
            • fslightbox.js
            • jquery.appear.js
            • lottie.js
            • masonry.pkgd.min.js
            • popper.min.js
            • select2.appear.js
            • slider.js
            • sweet-alert.js
            • zuck.js
          • scss
            • bootstrap
              • forms
              • helper
              • mixins
              • tests
              • utilites
              • vendor
              • All bootstrap scss
            • custom
              • customizer
                • _layouts.scss
              • _custom-class.scss
              • _globle.scss
              • customizer
                • _root.scss
                • _variables.scss
              • socialv-design-system
                • components
                • helper
                • mode
                • plugins
                • variables
                • _root.scss
                • _variables-dark.scss
                • _variables.scss
            • all Custom .scss files of templates
          • vendor
            • All Third Party plugin
        • templates
          • layouts/dashboard
            • chat-layout.hbs
            • default.hbs
            • simple.hbs
            • without-leftside.hbs
            • without-rightside.hbs
          • pages
            • app
              • account-setting.hbs
              • chat.hbs
              • email-compose.hbs
              • email.hbs
              • event-detail.hbs
              • group-detail.hbs
              • group.hbs
              • account-setting.hbs
              • privacy-setting.hbs
              • profile-badges.hbs
              • profile-edit.hbs
              • profile-event.hbs
              • profile-forum.hbs
              • profile-images.hbs
              • profile-videos.hbs
              • profile.hbs
              • todo.hbs
            • dashboard
              • All Dashboard Pages
            • index.hbs
            • partials
              • all components which repeat continiously in all page. e.g. sidebar, header, footer, etc.
        • layout
          • layout regarding this templates
        • pages
          • All pages regarding this templates
  • .gitignore
  • gulp.config.json
  • gulpfile.js
  • package.json