Steps to be followed for getting started with the template:
There are followings basics packages you should install before going further.
Here is the steps of production:
Here is the general structure of the template:
| - public
| - img
- favicon.ico
- index.html
| - src
| - assets
| - css
| - fonts
| - images
| - js
| - scss
| - components
| - Server360
| - config
| - Server360
| - FackApi
| - Server360
| - layouts
| - AuthLayouts
| - AuthLayouts1.vue
- VerticalLayout.vue
- HorizontalLayout.vue
| - plugins
| - bootstrap-vue.js
| - router
| - store
| - views
- App.vue
- main.js
- registerServiceWorker.js
- .browserslistrc
- .editorconfig
- .eslintrc.js
- .eslintignore.js
- .gitignore
- babel.config.js
- .env.example
- package.json
- vue.config.js
Here is the general structure of the Server360 custom components:
<!-- Server360 components -->
| - components
| - Server360
| - breadcrumbs
- BreadCrumbStyle1.vue
| - calendar
- FullCalendar.vue
| - cards
| - iq-card.vue
| - chart
| - AmChart.vue
| - ApexChart.vue
| - HighChart.vue
| - MapAmChart.vue
| - MorrisChart.vue
| - footer
| - FooterStyle1.vue
| - lottie
| - Lottie.vue
| - menus
| - ListStyle1.vue
| - navbars
| - NavBarStyle1.vue
| - rightsidebar
| - RightSideBarStyle1.vue
| - sidebar
| - SideBarStyle1.vue
| - slider
| - Slick.vue
| - tab
| - tab-nav.vue
| - tab-nav-item.vue
| - tab-content.vue
| - tab-content-item.vue
| - timeline
| - TimeLine.vue
| - loader
| - Loader.vue
Set favicon for replace favicon.ico and restart server
Use the header style which is in components -> soicalvue -> Partials -> Header. Replace "logo.png" with your own logo image URL.
| - Server360-vue
| - layouts
| - HorizontalLayout.vue
<SideBarStyle1 :items="sidebar" :logo="logo"></SideBarStyle1>
<NavBarStyle1 title="Dashboard" :homeURL="{ name: 'dashboard1.home' }" :logo="logo"></NavBarStyle1>
import SideBarItems from '../FackApi/json/SideBar'
import logoImg from '../assets/images/logo.png'
data () {
return {
sidebar: SideBarItems,
userProfile: profile,
logo: logo
Here is the layout and routing configure
| - layouts
| - AuthLayouts
| - AuthLayouts1.vue
- VerticalLayout.vue
- HorizontalLayout.vue
| - router
| - index.js
Router url configure
// Set Layout in this route
const routes = [
path: '/pages',
name: 'pages',
component: Default,
children: pagesChildRoutes('default')
// Set View in this function
const pagesChildRoutes = (prop) => [
path: 'maintenance',
name: prop + '.maintenance',
component: Maintenance
Here is the sidebar object example just you can copy and past and rename then title and icon.
"title": "Profile",
"name": "Profile",
"is_heading": false,
"is_active": false,
"link": {
"name": "profile.profile"
"class_name": "",
"is_icon_class": true,
"icon": "las la-user"
Sidebar based on json and check the file in spacific path ./src/FackApi/json/SideBar.json and import or add your array to sidebar key.
<SideBarStyle1 :items="sidebar" :logo="logo" />
<NavBarStyle1 title="Dashboard" :homeURL="{ name: 'dashboard1.home' }" :logo="logo">
<template v-slot:right>
add your items
<template v-slot:left>
<li class="list-inline-item"><a href="#">Privacy Policy</a></li>
<li class="list-inline-item"><a href="#">Terms of Use</a></li>
<template v-slot:right>
Copyright 2020 <a href="#">Server360</a> All Rights Reserved.
import SideBarItems from '../FackApi/json/SideBar'
data () {
return {
sidebar: SideBarItems
We have build different types of custom card components. And these are the some prop and slots
<iq-card body-class="border text-center" class="bg-primary text-white">
<template v-slot:headerTitle>
<h4>Card Title</h4>
<template v-slot:body>
<p >lorium ipsum</b-button>
<template v-slot:footer>
<b-button variant="danger">Button</b-button>
Prop is set the attriblute for the component.
Name | Detail |
headerClass | Class added in card header div |
bodyClass | Class added in card body div |
footerClass | Class added in card footer div |
Slot is set of the content between opening and closing tag.
Name | Detail |
headerTitle | For card top left icon or title |
headerAction | For card top right icon or title |
body | For card body to add with padding |
default | For without padding added content |
<AmChart :element="item.type" :type="item.type" :option="item.bodyData"/>
Prop is set the attriblute for the component.
Name | Type | Detail |
element | String | element is identify the unique div element like id |
type | String | Difftrent type of chart set by type |
option | Object | Chart data and setting by option object |
Types of Am Chart
We have build custom tab components. And these are the some prop and slots
<tab-nav :tabs="true" id="myTab-1">
<tab-nav-items :active="true" id="home-tab" ariaControls="home" role="tab" :ariaSelected="true" title="Home" />
<tab-nav-items :active="false" id="profile-tab" ariaControls="profile" role="tab" :ariaSelected="false" title="Profile" />
<tab-nav-items :active="false" id="contact-tab" ariaControls="contact" role="tab" :ariaSelected="false" title="Contact" />
<tab-content id="myTabContent">
<tab-content-item :active="true" id="home" aria-labelled-by="home-tab">
<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.</p>
<tab-content-item :active="false" id="profile" aria-labelled-by="profile-tab">
<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.</p>
<tab-content-item :active="false" id="contact" aria-labelled-by="contact-tab">
<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.</p>
Prop is set the attriblute for the component.
Name | Type | Detail |
id | String | identify the tab content for navigate |
active | Boolean | CSS class (or classes) to apply to the currently active tab |
ariaControls | String | The aria-controls attribute creates a cause and effect relationship |
ariaSelected | Boolean | This attribute is used with single-selection and multiple-selection widgets |
dataToggle | String | The toggle tells Bootstrap what to do and the target tells |
href | String | Set navigation link |
title | String | Pass Title as a string or set html content via slot |
liClass | String | - |
Slot is set of the content between opening and closing tag.
Name | Detail |
title | For tab nav item content any html content or image by using slot |
Prop is set the attriblute for the component.
Name | Type | Detail |
id | String | id for identify the tab content to nav tab |
Prop is set the attriblute for the component.
Name | Type | Detail |
id | String | identify the tab content for navigate |
active | Boolean | CSS class (or classes) to apply to the currently active tab |
ariaLabelledBy | String | Identifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element. |
We have build timeline components. And these are the some prop
timelineItems: [
color: 'danger',
title: 'Dev Meetup',
right: '20 November 2019',
description: 'Bonbon macaroon jelly <a href="">beans gummi</a> bears jelly lollipop apple',
child: {
type: 'img',
items: [
<TimeLine :items="timelineItems" />
Prop is set the attriblute for the component.
Name | Type | Detail |
items | Array | Pass Array of Object to create time line |
We have build timeline components. And these are the some prop and slots
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="iq-booking-date">
<div class="iq-booking-dot"></div>
<h3>Slider Item</h3>
Prop is set the attriblute for the component.
Name | Type | Detail |
sliderOption | Object | this prop has pass the slider setting object |
Slot is set of the content between opening and closing tag.
Name | Detail |
default | Pass slider item in default slot |
We have build lottie components. And these are the some prop
<lottie :option="require('../../assets/images/small/data')"></lottie>
Prop is set the attriblute for the component.
Name | Type | Detail |
option | Object | Option pass the lottie animation json file to execute the svg image. |
Bootstrap has wonderfull documentation on the following components::
Vue Bootstrap for extra component
Supports all major Browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 9 and above.
- Initial Release
All images and videos are for preview purposes only and are not included in the download files. Images are of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0.