Page Appearance

  1. page_layout
    - for layout of page there are 2 options given below. Values are in string.
    "page_layout": {
    "value": "container-fluid"
    choices: 'container', 'container-fluid'
  2. theme_style_appearance
    - for card apperance there are 4 options given below. Values are in array.
    "theme_style_appearance": {
    "value": [
    choices: 'theme-default', 'theme-flat', 'theme-bordered', 'theme-sharp'
  3. card_style
    - for card design there are 3 options given below. Values are in string.
    "card_style": {
    "value": [
    choices: 'card-default', 'card-glass', 'card-transparent'
  4. To get the current value of the following you can use:


    const pageLayout = computed(() => store.getters['setting/page_layout'])


    const themeStyleAppearance = computed(() => _.cloneDeep(store.state.setting.setting.theme_style_appearance))
  5. To use action you can use store.dispatch to update state.js.


    store.dispatch('setting/page_layout', value)


    store.dispatch('setting/theme_style_appearance', [...theme_style_appearance.value, 'value'])