- To get the default value of theme scheme or direction , theme color navigate to this pathsrc/store/setting/state.ts.
Theme Scheme Direction
- Property: "theme_scheme_direction"
- Choices: 'ltr' (left-to-right), 'rtl' (right-to-left)
- Values are in string
"theme_scheme_direction": {"value": "ltr"}
Theme Scheme
- Property: "theme_scheme"
- Choices: 'light' , 'dark' , 'auto'
- Values are in string
"theme_scheme": {"value": "light"}
To get the current value of the following you can use:
- first import useSelector from next-redux.
- import the selectors files from src/store/setting/selectors in your component.
- import this file as top of your component using following example code in your component.
import { useSelector } from "next-redux";
import * as SettingSelector from '../store/setting/selectors'
- then use the following code in your component to get the current value.
Theme Scheme
const themeScheme = useSelector(SettingSelector.theme_scheme)
Theme Scheme Direction
const themeSchemeDirection = useSelector(SettingSelector.theme_scheme_direction)
To use action you can use dispatch to update state.js.
- first import usedispatch from next-redux.
- import the actions files from src/store/setting/actons in your component.
- import this file as top of your component using following example code in your component.
import { useDispatch } from "next-redux";
import { theme_scheme } from "../../../store/setting/actions";
- then write the following code inside the function component for use of dispatch method inside your component.
const dispatch = useDispatch();
- then use the following code in your component to dispatch or change the new value of scheme.
Theme Scheme
Theme Scheme Direction