
Color Customizer

  1. theme_color
    - for colour customization . Colors are in array
    "theme_color": "theme-color-default",
    colors: {
        "--primary": "#3a57e8",
        "--info": "#08B1BA",
    choices: 'theme-color-default', 'theme-color-blue', 'theme-color-gray', 'theme-color-red', 'theme-color-yellow', 'theme-color-pink'

There are two ways you can change the setting of your color customizer:

With the use of live customizer

You can work on color customizer using Live Customizer in two different ways:
  1. You can change the color with the property name and its value here by declaring property name and its values in Database->Seeds->AppSettingSeeder.php file.
    - This is the example of AppSettingSeeder.php file.
    'value' => '{
    	"saveLocal": "",
    	"storeKey": "huisetting",
    	"setting": {
    	    "app_name": { "value" : "Hope UI"},
    	    "theme_color": { "value": "theme-color-default" },
    After making changes in seeder it is necessary to run php spark migrate:refresh to save changes in database.
  2. You can change page-appearance from your database for that open table with name app_setting.In the cloumn name value change the value for variable theme_color for colour customizer.

You can change the color with a single action.
  1. By changing some colors of variables in a file. Example is given below.
  2. File Structure

    • gulp+scss+hbs
      • src
        • assets
          • scss
            • hope-ui-design-system
              • _variable.scss

    If you wish to change the color of defined variable, you can follow the below action.

    For example you have to change the color of variable $primary as #6610f2 then change the variable color in variable.scss file.

    $primary:       #6610f2 !default;
    $info:          $#3a57e8 !default;