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HTML Structure

Here is the general HTML structure of the template:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" >
        [Page meta, page css, page js files, page title etc...]
    <body class=" ">
        <!-- loader Start -->
            <div id="loading">
                [LOADER CONTENT]
        <!-- loader END -->
        <!-- Sidebar Start -->
            [SIDEBAR CONTENT]
        <!-- Sidebar END -->
        <main class="main-content">
            <div class="position-relative iq-banner">
            <!--Nav Start-->
                [HEADER CONTENT]
                [SUB-HEADER CONTENT]
            <!--Nav End-->
            <div class="content-inner container-fluid pb-0" id="page_layout">
                [MAIN CONTENT]
            <!-- Footer Start -->
                [FOOTER CONTENT]
            <!-- Footer END -->
        <!-- Wrapper End-->
        <!-- offcanvas start -->
            [offcanvas / popup CONTENT]
        <!-- offcanvas END -->

        <!-- Script Start -->
            [SCRIPT CONTENT]
        <!-- Script END -->