

This template has required 2 dependency

  1. NodeJS
  2. Gulp

File Structure

Here is the general file structure of the template:

  • Template
    • gulp+scss+hbs
      • src
        • assets
          • scss
          • js
          • images
          • vendor
        • templates
          • layout
            • all layout used in dashboard
          • pages
            • all dashboard hbs folder based pages
          • partials
            • all components and main content of dashboard
      • gulp
        • all gulp task here
      • gulp.config.json
      • gulpfile.js
      • package.json
    • html
      • assets
        • css
        • js
        • images
        • vendor
      • dashboard
        • all dashboard html folder based pages


Steps to follow for getting started with the template:


  1. Start command prompt window or terminal and change directory gulp+scss+hbs
    cd gulp+scss+hbs
  2. Install via the npm
    npm install
  3. For development
    npm run dev
    gulp watch
  4. For build
    npm run build
    gulp build


  1. Open html Folder to find all the Templates Files
  2. You'll have to upload these file using a FTP on your server
  3. Make sure you maintain the structure while uploading the required files/folders:
    • HTML/assets/css - Stylesheets Folder
    • HTML/assets/images - Images Folder
    • HTML/assets/js - Javacripts Folder
    • HTML/assets/vendor - Vendor Folder
    • HTML/theme - Theme Folder
    • HTML/theme/index.html - Index File/Homepage
    Other files can be used according to your convenience.
  4. Now that you have followed these steps your basic installation is complete and ready to flaunt your site to the world.

Dashboard colors

Steps to be follow for dashboard colors with the template:

  • We use a subset of all colors to create a smaller color palette for generating color schemes, also available as Scss variables in scss/_variables.scss file.
  • More Customization will be done in variable file.

Here is the Change color of template in gulp+scss+hbs

​$dashboard-colors: (
    ​$primary:       #7B60E7;
    ​$secondary:     #8D8C8F;
    ​$danger:        #E93535;

For Favicon icon

Favicon is an icon associated with the URL that is displayed at various places, such as in a browser’s address bar or next to the site name in a bookmark list.

You can add a Favicon to your Website using the following code:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico"/>

For Page Loading Transitions

Page Loading Transitions are enabled by default. If you wish to disable the page loading transition you can simply remove loader from respective layout in layouts folder


simply remove loader component folder inside components

<div id="loading">
      <div class="loader simple-loader animate__animated animate__fadeOut d-none">
          <div class="loader-body"></div>


Steps to be followed to change font in the template:

  • You can define multiple sources for the same font family, each with a different fontStyle.
  • To change the font family you will have to import the font at scss/custom/helper/_font.scss file. You can also import particular google fonts. After adding font url you have to update that particular font at scss/_variables.scss

Here is the Change font from template in gulp+scss+hbs

@import url(';400;500;600;700&display=swap');
$font-family-sans-serif: 'Inter', sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";

HTML Structure

Here is the general HTML structure of the template:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
        [Page meta, page css, page js files, page title etc...]
        <!-- Wrapper Start-->
            <!-- loader Start -->
            <div id="loading">
                [LOADER CONTENT]
            <!-- loader END -->
            <!-- Sidebar Start -->
                [SIDEBAR CONTENT]
            <!-- Sidebar END -->
            <!-- Main Content Start -->
            <main class="main-content">
                    <!--Nav Start-->
                        [HEADER CONTENT]
                    <!--Nav End-->
                    [MAIN CONTENT]
                <!-- Footer Start -->
                    [FOOTER CONTENT]
                <!-- Footer END -->
            <!-- Main Content End -->
        <!-- Wrapper End-->
    <!-- script Start -->
            [Script CONTENT]
    <!-- script END -->

CSS Structure

Here is the general CSS structure of the template:

<!-- Favicon -->
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="assets/images/favicon.ico" />

<!-- Style -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/libs.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/gigz.css?v=1.0">

Javascript Structure

Here is the general Javascript structure of the template:

<!-- Backend Bundle JavaScript -->
<script src="assets/js/libs.min.js"></script>

<!-- widgetchart JavaScript -->
<script src="assets/js/charts/widgetcharts.js"></script>

<!-- fslightbox JavaScript -->
<script src="assets/js/fslightbox.js"></script>

<!--  GSAP Animation -->
<script src="assets/vendor/gsap/gsap.min.js"></script>
<script src="assets/vendor/gsap/ScrollTrigger.min.js"></script>
<script src="assets/vendor/gsap-init.js"></script>

<!--  Form Wizard Script -->
<script src="assets/js/plugins/form-wizard.js"></script>

<!-- app JavaScript -->
<script src="assets/js/gigz.js"></script>


ApexCharts is loaded with powerful features to fulfill your data-visualization needs. Look at some of the key features of ApexCharts. For more details

Installing via npm
npm install apexcharts --save
import ApexCharts from'apexcharts'


<> Direct <script> include

Another way is to directly include it in your html

<script src=""></script>


<div id="chart"></div>


var options = {
  series: [{
  name: 'Net Profit',
  data: [44, 55, 57, 56, 61, 58, 63, 60, 66]
}, {
  name: 'Revenue',
  data: [76, 85, 101, 98, 87, 105, 91, 114, 94]
}, {
  name: 'Free Cash Flow',
  data: [35, 41, 36, 26, 45, 48, 52, 53, 41]
  chart: {
  type: 'bar',
  height: 300,
    show: false,
plotOptions: {
  bar: {
    horizontal: false,
    columnWidth: '80%',
    endingShape: 'rounded'
dataLabels: {
  enabled: false
stroke: {
  show: true,
  width: 2,
  colors: ['transparent']
xaxis: {
  categories: ['Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct'],
yaxis: {
  title: {
    text: '$ (thousands)'
fill: {
  opacity: 1
tooltip: {
  y: {
    formatter: function (val) {
      return "$ " + val + " thousands"
var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#chart"), options);


Creating world-class tools that stand up to the most rigorous implementations, Build tools that aren't just one-trick-ponies, but can be leveraged across a wide range of projects with ease. For more details


<svg width="30" class="gsap-animation" viewBox="0 0 128 150" fill="none" xmlns="">
    <path d="M117.348 105.33C117.594 105.476 117.669 105.799 117.508 106.036C110.26 116.759 99.5876 125.042 87.0232 129.687C74.2883 134.395 60.2849 135.117 47.0817 131.745C33.8785 128.372 22.1759 121.086 13.7027 110.961C5.22957 100.836 0.43531 88.4101 0.0282348 75.5189C-0.37884 62.6276 3.62286 49.9548 11.4421 39.3726C19.2614 28.7905 30.4835 20.8602 43.4505 16.7536C56.4176 12.6469 70.4417 12.5815 83.4512 16.5672C96.2865 20.4995 107.462 28.1693 115.375 38.4663C115.55 38.6939 115.495 39.0214 115.256 39.1813L97.3742 51.176C97.1539 51.3238 96.8567 51.2735 96.6942 51.0637C91.6372 44.53 84.5205 39.6627 76.3537 37.1606C68.031 34.6109 59.0591 34.6527 50.7636 37.2799C42.468 39.9071 35.2888 44.9804 30.2865 51.7502C25.2842 58.5201 22.7241 66.6274 22.9846 74.8745C23.245 83.1215 26.3121 91.0709 31.7327 97.5482C37.1533 104.025 44.64 108.687 53.0866 110.844C61.5332 113.002 70.4918 112.54 78.6389 109.528C86.6324 106.573 93.4288 101.316 98.0645 94.5111C98.2142 94.2913 98.5086 94.2233 98.7376 94.3583L117.348 105.33Z" fill="#FF971D"></path>
    <path d="M53.2837 0.5C53.2837 0.223858 53.5075 0 53.7837 0H75.6195C75.8957 0 76.1195 0.223858 76.1195 0.5V26.25H53.2837V0.5Z" fill="#FF971D"></path>
    <path d="M53.2837 123.75H76.1195V149.5C76.1195 149.776 75.8957 150 75.6195 150H53.7837C53.5075 150 53.2837 149.776 53.2837 149.5V123.75Z" fill="#FF971D"></path>


var t2 = gsap.timeline();".gsap-animation", {duration:1.5, x: 80, repeat: -1, yoyo: true});

Swiper JS

Swiper comes with a very rich API. It allows creating your own pagination, allows a multiple row slides layout, with a few slides per column. For more details


<div class="swiper mySwiper">
    <div class="swiper-wrapper">
    <div class="swiper-slide">
        <img src="" />
    <div class="swiper-slide">
        <img src="" />
    <div class="swiper-button-next"></div>
    <div class="swiper-button-prev"></div>
    <div class="swiper-pagination"></div>


var swiper = new Swiper(".mySwiper", {
    effect: "flip",
    grabCursor: true,
    pagination: {
        el: ".swiper-pagination",
    navigation: {
        nextEl: ".swiper-button-next",
        prevEl: ".swiper-button-prev",

Source & Credits

All images and videos are for preview purposes only and are not included in the download files. Images are of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0.




CSS & Fonts